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Three must-eat breakfast foods

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Are you a breakfast eater? Or dare I ask are you a “healthy” breakfast eater?

The North American culture around breakfast is focused on complex carbohydrates: boxed cereals, porridge, toasts, hash brown, bagels, muffins, etc. This type of breakfast creates a vicious cycle of energy highs and lows throughout the day because of the insulin spikes caused by these high-sugary foods, which leaves you craving more sweet snacks: doughnut with coffee at 10am, sugar-loaded “energy” bar at 3pm...

Getting some protein at each meal can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss. This is because protein helps you feel fuller longer and uses up a bunch of calories to absorb and metabolize it.

In here, I show you how to get the protein at breakfast, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favourite new “go-to” breakfasts.

Breakfast food #1: eggs

Yes, eggs are the “quintessential” breakfast food. And for good reason!

Here we are talking about actual whole “eggs”, not processed egg whites in a carton.

Egg whites are mostly protein while the yolks are the real nutritional powerhouses. Those yolks contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Eggs have been shown to help you feel full, keep you feeling fuller longer, and help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin.

And… before you even ask, the cholesterol in eggs is not associated with an increased risk of arterial or heart diseases.

One thing to consider is to try to prevent cooking the yolks at too high of a temperature because that can cause some of the cholesterol to become oxidized. It's the oxidized cholesterol that's heart unhealthy.

Tip: It takes only 4 minutes to medium poach eggs in a pot of boiling water with vinegar, less than 5 minutes to scramble eggs, and 10 minutes to boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge for a “grab and go” breakfast when you're running short on time.

Breakfast food #2: nuts and/or seeds

Nuts and seeds are packed with healthy fats, some protein, tons of vitamins and minerals, and fiber. Nuts and/or seeds would make a great contribution to breakfast.

But do not mistaken the real, whole, unsweetened nuts by the “candied” ones, sweetened nut/seed butters, or chia “cereals” with added sugars.

Nuts and seeds are also the ultimate fast food if you're running late in the mornings. Grab a small handful of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds as you're running out the door; you can nosh on them while you're commuting.

Not to mention how easy it is to add a spoonful of nut/seed butter into your morning breakfast smoothie, or with apple slices with your scrambled eggs.

Hint: If you like a creamy latte in the mornings try making one with nut or seed butter. Just add your regular hot tea and a tablespoon or two of a creamy nut or seed butter into your blender & blend until frothy.

Breakfast food #3: veggies

Yes, you already know you really should get protein at every meal including breakfast; but this also applies to veggies. You know I would be remiss to not recommend veggies at every meal, right?

Veggies are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and water. You can't go wrong adding them into every single meal of the day so if you don't already you should definitely try them for breakfast!

And no, you don't need to have a salad or roasted veggies for breakfast if you don't want to but you totally can! You wouldn't be breaking any “official” breakfast rules or anything like that.

Adding some protein to leftover veggies is a great combination for any meal. Including breakfast. There are countless ways to eat veggies at breakfast without make it seems like dinner!

Trick: You can brown some spinach before scrambling eggs in a pan, sauteed cubed bell peppers to make an omelet, or add a piece of cucumber to a smoothie.


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